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Professional and independent auditing services and consultancy within the health sector across Australia. 

Contact Us
At Tick It Business Solutions, we are passionate about providing theprofessional and independent auditing services and consultancy within the health sector across Australia.  With over 15 years of industry experience, Tick It Business Solutions has worked with reputable certification bodies to provide independent and professional external auditor services.  We have also established ourselves as experienced consultants for the health care sector.

With many standards to adhere to in a multitude of categories across the industry, our team at Tick It Business Solutions understands that it can always be difficult to ensure you’re upholding industry standards. That’s why we’re here – To provide expert consultancy services across the healthcare sector, that includes:  governance, clinical, operational and environmental advice.

Our highly qualified team provides services to ensure every organisation we work with meets their regulatory requirements.
1. Hospital, Aged and Healthcare Consulting
2. NDIS Accreditation Consulting
3. Healthcare Auditors

We Work Across the Heath Sector

Regardless of what type of business you have within the healthcare sector, Tick It Business Solutions can help you achieve the standards necessary to remain a reputable organisation. Our point of difference is that we treat every client as a unique case, and tailor our auditing methods to suit your specific needs. 

We’re not here to point fingers and disrupt productivity – instead, we will work closely alongside you to iron out any kinks in your processes that might be resulting in failure to meet industry standards, and find solutions that allow your business to thrive under the appropriate guidelines.
If your organisation needs a thorough assessment from a qualified auditor, call today on 0422 713 660
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